Jet Fuel Infrastructure Charges

In line with prevailing national and global fuel charging practices, from 8 August 2023, a Fuel Services Rate (FSR) will be charged on a per litre basis for fuel supplied through the JFI Facility.

This charge is designed to cover:

  • ongoing operating and maintenance costs of the JFI Facility;
  • recovery of the purchase cost of the JFI Facility;
  • insurances and overheads required by Perth Airport in relation to the JFI Facility; and
  • any initial or ongoing capital works.

The FSR will be revised by Perth Airport from time to time, including in respect of CPI and future investment in fuelling infrastructure by Perth Airport in support of its strategic objectives. The FSR effective at any given time will be publicly available on this website and advance notice of changes to the FSR will be provided to fuel suppliers contracted to use the JFI Facility to allow onward transparent communications to airline customers.

Perth Airport has adopted a long-term view of the investment in the JFI Facility and has set the following FSR:

Fuel Service Rate at 8 August 2023
1.21c/litre (excl. GST)