Accessibility & Travel Barriers Online Survey

Do you think Perth Airport is accessible for people with disabilities? We want to hear your feedback in our online survey.

Take the survey

This survey is a joint initiative of Airports Council International (ACI) and Perth Airport. 

We want to hear from people with disabilities or chronic health conditions (whether you travel by air or not), or the parent, guardian, or carer for someone with disabilities or chronic health conditions.

Perth Airport will use your feedback to assess how accessible and inclusive we are as an airport and to identify opportunities to remove barriers to air travel. ACI will use the learnings from this survey to build a global survey programme shared with airport members.

The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. It is compatible with many screen readers. If you would like assistance to complete the survey, please contact us on email ([email protected]) or via phone (+61 8 9478 8862)

Hidden Disabilities pin on Perth Airport terminal duty manager 

Privacy note

By completing this survey, the participant acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) any data or personal information they provide to Perth Airport Pty Ltd will be used and may be disclosed by Perth Airport Pty Ltd (including for research purposes), including to ACI and other third party consultants or contractors, in accordance with its Privacy Policy available at;

(b) the results of the survey will be aggregated; and,

(c) unattributed free text responses may be shared verbatim, including (but not limited to) in media releases, published reports or on PAPL’s website.