Major development plans

As a leased federal airport, Perth Airport is required to develop a Major Development Plan (MDP) for major airport developments.

Draft Major Development Plans undergo public consultation before being submitted to the Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government for development approval. Here are our latest Major Development Plans.

Current Major Development Plans

Woolworths Distribution Centre Expansion

The Major Development Plan for the Woolworths Distribution Centre Expansion was approved by the Hon. Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government on 21 May 2024.

Airport Central (Airfield Upgrade)

Following the completion of the public comment period, Perth Airport considered all submissions and prepared a Draft MDP. Documents have now been submitted to the Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government for assessment.

Airport North

The public comment period for the Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan closed 2 March 2023. Perth Airport is currently considering submissions and preparing the Draft MDP. Background documents are downloadable at the below links:

Part A – Background, Planning, Socio-economic, Traffic and Aviation impacts assessment

Part B – Environment and Heritage assessment


Approved Major Development Plans

Airport West (South)

The Major Development Plan for Airport West (South) was approved by the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development on 29 October 2021. 

Download the Major Development Plan sections:

  • 2021 Final Part_A
  • 2021 Final Part_B

  • Airport Central (Ground Transport Upgrade)

    The Major Development Plan for the Airport Central (Ground Transport Upgrade) was approved by the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development on 2 September 2021.

    New Runway Project

    The Major Development Plan for the ‘New Runway Project’ on the Perth Airport estate was approved by the Hon. Michael McCormack MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, on 21 November 2020. Perth Airport was also required to obtain approval for an Offset Strategy for the project. 
    Download the Major Development Plan sections:

    Site 6: Large Format Retail Outlet

    The Major Development Plan for the Site 6: Large Format Retail Outlet within the Perth Airport estate was approved by the Hon. Michael McCormack MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, on 13 November 2018. Perth Airport was also required to obtain approval for an Offset Strategy and a PFAS & Contamination Management Plan for the project.

    2020 Compliance Report

    2021 Compliance Report

    2022 Compliance Report 

    2023 Compliance Report

    2024 Compliance Report

    Direct Factory Outlet (DFO)

    The Major Development Plan for the Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) was approved by the Hon. Darren Chester MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on 10 November 2016. A variation to the Major Development Plan was approved by the Minister on 5 April 2017 to account for the critical role of the Living Stream.