Community consultation

Perth Airport’s relationship with the Western Australian community is an essential part of our company values and plays a key role in the continued transformation of Perth Airport.

Perth Airport is committed to effective and transparent engagement and employs a range of ongoing consultation and education mechanisms to:

  • inform stakeholders and the community about on-airport land use planning, developments and potential impacts,
  • seek input on alternative approaches and options,
  • maintain transparency, accountability and stakeholder focused relationships,
  • provide feedback opportunities and one-on-one information sessions,
  • provide a conduit for information exchange between Perth Airport and key stakeholders, including the community,
  • meet legal and regulatory responsibilities, and
  • provide stakeholders with the opportunity to influence the future of Perth Airport.

Part of Perth Airport’s ongoing consultation process with stakeholders includes the airport’s facilitation of, and involvement in, various forums. These forums enable Perth Airport to engage with Commonwealth, State and Local Government authorities, airlines and the community. Perth Airport currently engages regularly through the following forums.