31 May, 2023
Perth Airport Chair Rob Cole has announced that Mr Jason Waters has been appointed as the airport’s new Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Waters will join Perth Airport after building an impressive leadership track record in CEO roles with the Perth Mint, Synergy and Verve Australia.

Mr Cole says Mr Waters has the skills and background to lead Perth Airport through its next wave of growth.

“Jason is a respected leader in Western Australia who is known for his strategic focus and his ability to deliver outcomes in highly challenging business environments,” Mr Cole said.

“He is known for working calmly and methodically through the most complex situations while never losing sight of the outcomes he sets for his organisation.

“It’s great that we’ve found such a highly-credentialled leader who was born and raised in Western Australia and who is passionate about our State and our people.

“He is a values-driven leader with a strong commitment to people and culture and an ability to bring people together to deliver outcomes.

“Perth Airport is a multi-faceted business. While aviation is the core of our business, Perth Airport also operates ground transport and parking, retail and food and beverage tenancies, as well as a significant property business with almost 500 leases across our 2,105h estate.

“Jason will bring his own strategic and business insights to this complex role along with a commitment to work with our airline partners and other stakeholders to help grow aviation in Western Australia.

“This will include delivering our next wave of projects, including Perth’s New Runway and the long-planned consolidation of all flights into the Airport Central precinct.

“We expect Jason to commence his new role later this year once he has served his period of notice with his current employer.

“In the interim, Kate Holsgrove will continue to serve as Acting CEO. The Board highly values and appreciates Kate service in this role which has ensured our business continued to move forward and made the decisions we needed to make while awaiting the conclusion of this process.

“We also greatly appreciate the work of the whole Perth Airport Team in continuing to serve the community and moving our business forward while this recruitment process has been under way.”

Mr Waters said he was excited to be taking up the Chief Executive Officer’s role.

“From a distance, I’ve watched as Perth Airport continued to serve Western Australia through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Mr Waters said.

“The rebound of aviation and tourism in Western Australia has been driven in no small part by the work of the Perth Airport team.

“There are clearly some big projects that the airport needs to deliver to ensure future growth of our resources sector and our State’s economy.

“This is going to be both an exciting and challenging opportunity for the Perth Airport team. I’m looking forward to getting to know the team, and the wide array of other people involved in our business, and ensuring we work together to unlock the full potential value of the Airport for all stakeholders.”

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Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
E: [email protected]