Congestion-busting works to start at Perth Airport

11 June, 2022
Perth Airport has unveiled plans for a major overhaul of parking and access to its Terminal 3 and Terminal 4 buildings to cut congestion, increase parking capacity, and extend the drop-off/pick-up forecourt.

Priority works will see 20 bays added to the forecourt drop-off/pick-up area, along with improved signage to direct motorists to available pick / drop off bays.


Future works will also see:

  • An expanded Premium parking area with 216 additional undercover bays close to the terminals’ front doors.
  • A new short-term area of 533 parks at the western end of the existing short term car park with discounted pricing. This area will be convenient for those wanting to access the T3 International terminal
  • A new undercover parking option for long term parkers using part of the existing Long Term B car park, which is a short walk to the terminals
  • A new “Express” pick-up/drop-off management system for the T3/4 forecourt (similar to the successful T2 system which has reduced the number of vehicles overstaying by nearly 70 per cent) to reduce overstays and cut congestion.
  • Traffic lights to replace the current pedestrian crossing lights, improving pedestrian safety and traffic flow.

 Perth Airport CEO Kevin Brown said even with reduced flights over the pandemic period, the main access road to the terminals was becoming increasingly congested.

“We are having increasing problems with some motorists choosing to use the forecourt as a de facto carpark and significantly overstaying the Government mandated drop-off/pick-up times,” Mr Brown said.


“We have tried using additional signage to reduce the problem and we have also introduced a one hour free parking period in our long term car parks, but to no avail.


“The problem is only getting worse and mirrors the issues we faced in 2019 at T2 where overstaying motorists caused major problems for other motorists who were trying to do the right thing.


“The Express pick-up/drop-off system at T2 has greatly reduced the rate of overstays, cut congestion, and significantly improved traffic flows there. We believe a similar system at T3/4 will have the same result.

“The Express system will continue to allow motorists to drop-off and pick-up passengers for free provided they enter and exit the forecourt within six minutes.

“It takes less than a minute to drive the through the forecourt, so the six minutes allows the pick-up/drop-off activity and time for any pedestrian traffic.


“The additional pick-up/drop-off bays will also help, along with better signage to direct motorists to empty bays further along the forecourt.

“And consistent with our approach at T2, we will provide a one-month introductory period where motorists who over-stay will not be charged, to give us time to explain the system and ensure motorists are aware of the new process.

“We will also continue to offer one-hour free parking in our long-term car parks. Motorists can head there and wait for travellers to text them when they are ready to be picked up on the forecourt.



Traffic modelling reveals the true extent of the congestion problem with one in four vehicles over-staying the permitted time.


The system will automatically track individual vehicle movements so that if a vehicle is in and out within six minutes, there will be no charge.   If a vehicle stays longer than the six minutes allowed to set down and pick up, a fee will be charged as it leaves the forecourt.

When introduced, the overstay fees are designed to discourage loitering behaviour on the forecourt. For example, if you park on the forecourt for 20 minutes you will be charged $18 compared to $8.60 in the short-term car park or free in the long-term car park.

The Express System will also prevent drivers trying to game the system by continuously entering and exiting as this would simply fuel congestion.  Vehicles that exit the forecourt will need to wait ten minutes before re-entering if they wish to qualify for a free pick-up. 

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Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
E: [email protected]