Containers for Change touches down in T4

15 September, 2021
In an effort to reduce recyclable waste to landfill, a three-month trial of the Containers for Change program commences in Perth Airport’s Terminal 4 (T4) today.

Kate Holsgrove, Perth Airport’s Chief Commercial Officer said that the program is projected to divert up to 40,000 eligible containers or approximately 10 per cent of waste collected from the T3 service yard each month.

“We’ve partnered with Scouts WA to collect the containers from T4 on a regular basis who in turn, will receive 6c per container through Containers from Change.

“In addition, Perth Airport has selected one of its current community partners, Lifeline WA, as the beneficiary of the 10c per container that is recycled.

“We will be undertaking an educational rollout with passengers, our airline and retail partners to ensure this program is a success. And we’re really hoping that everyone will do the right thing by putting their eligible bottles and containers in the new bins which means less landfill and more money for Lifeline WA.

“If the trial is a success, we will roll it out across all five terminals during 2022, which means that we’re a step closer to reaching our target of reducing waste to landfill by 20 per cent and increasing recycling by 75 per cent by 2030,” she continued.

The new bin system, which includes dedicated bins for the Containers for Change eligible containers will be located in Terminal 4 in the Check in, Arrivals and Departure Lounge areas. The new bins are colour-coded and clearly signed to ensure the right items are put in each bin.

Earlier this year, Perth Airport committed to a range of ambitious targets including to be carbon neutral by 2030, which form part of a new Environment, Social, People and Governance (ESPG) Strategy.


Corporate Affairs Perth Airport
E: [email protected]