Federal road funding a win for the WA economy

04 May, 2021
Perth Airport has welcomed the Federal Government’s commitment to help fund vital roadworks in areas adjoining or near the airport estate.

The Federal Government has committed $85 million to upgrade the Great Eastern Bypass and Kalamunda Road, along with $68 million for the Leach Highway-Welshpool Road interchange.

Perth Airport has also welcomed the State Government’s commitment to proceed with the projects and confirm its contributions in the next State Budget.  

Perth Airport Chief Projects and Development Officer David Eden says the projects will deliver a win for commuters and the WA economy.

“Perth’s population continues to grow and our road network needs to grow with it,” Mr Eden said.

"These projects will deliver big benefits for commuters. At the same time the works on Great Eastern Highway and Kalamunda Road will help unlock the enormous economic potential of the Airport North Precinct.

“Airport North has been earmarked in several Perth Airport Master Plans for future commercial and industrial development. 

“Perth Airport has already begun work to secure statutory approvals for this important development.

“We believe the site works alone for this precinct could be worth around $550 million to the WA economy in direct and indirect benefits.

“The works on the Leach Highway-Welshpool Road Interchange will also deliver benefits for motorists and the economy.

“Perth Airport is ideally situated close to the CBD in an area which is serviced by major arterial roads and freight rail.

“The interchange works will further enhance the efficiency of moving freight to and from this key economic hub.

“We thank both the Federal and State Governments for their commitment to these projects and look forward to working with them to deliver maximum benefit to business, the community and the WA economy.”

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